Acquiring a business

There are many aspects to consider when acquiring a business but with the right accountants, you can take the stress right out.

Harlow Truck Centre

Category: Acquiring a business – Advisory

There are many aspects to consider when acquiring a business but with the right accountants, you can take the stress right out.

Earlier this year, DSCO helped Tom to negotiate and reach an agreement with his boss to complete a Management Buy-Out. This allowed Tom to take complete ownership of the company and become master of his own destiny.

DSCO explained the commercial and tax issues and collaborated with the legal team so that the process went smoothly, quickly and without complications.

Later on, DSCO helped Tom to prepare a 5-year plan to show that he can clear his borrowings within the agreed time scale. It also provides him with a clear vision for the company and his family.

Acquiring a business?

Contact us today

I’ve always wanted to run my own company, so when I was offered the chance to buy the company I worked in, I ‘jumped at it’. I’m so pleased that I had DSCO by my side.

Tom Varney, Chief Executive Officer


DSCO, The Tower, The Maltings, Hoe Lane, Ware, Hertfordshire SG12 9LR

ACCA Firm No: 6131721

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01920 444900

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